Is some foundation settling normal?

In most cases, the normal settlement of the foundation will be imperceptible to the owner. If noticed, symptoms will consist of small cracks that don't seem to enlarge over time. Foundations tend to settle a little longer, however, if there is too much settlement, damage to the foundation and home can result. Homeowners and buyers need to know what to look for and when it's serious.

There are two periods of settlement that will occur to your building. Initial liquidation occurs within the first few years. This is due to your home's natural pressure on the new foundation. It is usually minimal if the base is well made.

The sooner the base is leveled and supported properly, the less damage can be expected in the future. Because foundation problems are common in Texas, foundations that have been repaired often come with long-term or lifetime warranties, providing more protection in the event of additional problems than a foundation that has not yet had any problems. Northern California can rely on us for expert foundation repair and replacement services, such as push pillars, polyurethane foam injection, helical pillars, and more. Foundations are usually built on a concrete slab, which over time can begin to crack due to sedimentation or other common foundation problems.

However, knowing when to call a foundation repair expert will help ease unnecessary anxiety and worry. There are steps you can and should take to protect your home from any settlement-related damage, but keep in mind that the settlement process itself is rarely due to any oversight or shortcut on the part of the previous builder or homeowner. It's important for homeowners to monitor signs and symptoms that indicate a foundation problem and make appropriate repairs when needed. After inspecting your home, you can determine if you need to call a foundation repair expert or if you have a normal settlement.

Problems like these are a sign that a foundation is experiencing more than just a standard agreement. That's why before building it's vital to perform a house settlement analysis, which can help predict how much a foundation will settle based on soil type. When the foundation moves, it can cause plumbing pipes to crack or sewer lines to separate, damage joists or beams, and damage other components in the home. Since they worked with the foundations and are familiar with the composition of the soil and cement, as well as the typical environmental impact, they will be able to guide you as to any problems you may encounter.

In general, the soil on which the foundation of a house is built will be compacted to better support the foundation base and if the earth is not well compacted (consolidated), the foundation will settle more than normal, especially in the early years. Once you determine that your support is sufficient, you may need to call in a foundation repair expert to conduct an inspection. Due to rising and falling temperatures, the soil around your home can expand and shrink, which can cause more foundation movement than normal.

Hazel Hansil
Hazel Hansil

Wannabe pop culture maven. Hardcore coffee guru. Pop culture advocate. Friendly beer fanatic. Professional food fan. Freelance zombie aficionado.