10 Signs That Your Columbia Home Needs Pier And Beam Foundation Repair

Most houses in Columbia are built on a pier and beam foundation, which is basically a series of concrete pillars that support the weight of the house. Over time, these pillars can settle or even sink into the ground because of the shifting soil underneath them, which can cause all sorts of problems with your home’s structure. This can cause all sorts of problems for your home, from cracks in the walls to doors and windows that won't close properly. If you think your home might need pier and beam foundation repair, here are ten signs to look for:

1. Your Home Is Starting To Sink Or Lean To One Side

If you notice that your home in Columbia is starting to sink or lean to one side, this is a sign that you might need pier and beam foundation repair. When the soil underneath your home’s foundation starts to shift, it can cause the foundation to settle or sink, which can then cause your home to lean to one side. This can be a dangerous problem, as it can cause your home to collapse over time. If you notice this issue, make sure to call a professional foundation repair company right away.

In this case, an emergency roof repair might also be needed with the foundation repairs to avoid any further damage.

2. The Doors And Windows Are Difficult To Open And Close

If you find that your doors and windows are becoming increasingly difficult to open and close, it might be a sign of foundation problems. When the foundational pillars start to settle or sink, it can cause the frame of your home to shift, which then makes it difficult to open and close doors and windows.

If this is happening in your home, make sure to call a Columbia foundation repair company right away. They will stabilize your home’s foundation and make sure that your doors and windows can be opened and closed properly. You might try to adjust your door frames on your own, but that does not exactly solve the underlying problem.

3. There Are Noticeable Cracks In The Walls Or Ceiling

If you notice a crack in your Columbia home’s walls or ceiling, it might be a sign of foundation problems. When the foundation starts to settle or sink, it can cause the walls and ceiling to crack as well. This can be a dangerous problem because it can cause your home to get more damaged or even collapse over time.

Patching these cracks might seem like an easy fix, but it’s only a temporary solution. The best way to fix this problem is to call a Columbia foundation repair company and have them stabilize your home’s foundation.

4. You Can See The Beams Or Posts That Support The House

If you start to see the beams or posts that support your Columbia home, it’s a sign that the foundation is starting to settle or sink. When this happens, it can cause the beams or posts to become visible. This can be a dangerous problem because it can cause your home’s structure to become unstable and even collapse over time.

If you see this happening in your home, the best thing to do is to call a Columbia foundation repair company right away. They will be able to stabilize your home’s foundation and make sure that the beams or posts are not visible anymore.

5. The Floors Are Uneven Or Bouncy

The piers and beams of your Columbia home’s foundation are built to support the weight of the house and keep the level of the floors. However, over time, the piers and beams can settle or sink into the ground, which can cause the floors to become uneven or bouncy. This can be a dangerous problem because it can trip people or cause them to fall and get injured.

If you notice this happening in your Columbia home, make sure to call a foundation repair company right away to fix the problem. They will be able to stabilize your home’s foundation and make sure that the floors are level again.

6. The Walls Are Bowed Or Bulging

Another sign that the foundation is starting to settle or sink is if you notice that the walls in your Columbia home are starting to bow or bulge. This happens because the weight of the house is not evenly distributed on the foundation, which causes the walls to start bowing or bulging. This can be a dangerous problem because it can cause the walls to collapse over time.

There are no quick fixes for this problem. The best thing to do is to call a Columbia foundation repair company or a roofing company if your roof displays the same symptoms to have it professionally done.

7. There's Water Damage On The Basement Floor Or Walls

If you start to see water damage on the basement floor or walls, it’s another sign that the foundation is starting to settle or sink. When this happens, it can cause cracks in the foundation, which then lets water seep in and damage the basement. This can be a dangerous problem because it can lead to mold growth or even cause the foundation to collapse.

Additionally, the comfort level of your home will decrease because of the musty smell coming from the water damage.

8. You Hear Strange Noises Coming From The Foundation

Strange noises in your house don't automatically there are ghosts, but it could be a sign that your Columbia home’s foundation is settling or sinking. When the foundation starts to settle or sink, it can cause creaking, popping, or grinding noises. This can be a dangerous problem because it can cause the foundation to collapse over time.

If you start hearing these strange noises in your Columbia home, it means that it needs immediate repairs. You can go around your house to pinpoint where the noise is coming from, but it is more likely to be heard in the basement or near load-bearing walls. The best course of action is to call a Columbia foundation repair company and have them take a look at your home’s foundation.

9. Insects, Rodents, Or Other Pests Are Getting Into Your Home Through The Foundation 

Another purpose of your Columbia home’s foundation is to keep out insects, rodents, and other pests. However, if the foundation starts to settle or sink, it can create cracks and holes that these pests can use to get into your home. This can be a dangerous problem because it can lead to infestations that can spread diseases or damage your home.

Cleaning your home regularly is the best way to prevent infestations. However, if this persists, it might mean that your home’s foundation needs to be repaired. Call a Columbia foundation repair company to have your home’s foundation checked and repaired if necessary.

10. Your Roof Is Sagging Or Leaning To One Side

When you notice your Columbia home’s roof is sagging or leaning to one side, it can be a sign that the foundation is starting to settle or sink. This happens because the weight of the house is not evenly distributed on the foundation, which causes the roof to start sagging or leaning. This is not only unpleasing to the eye, but it can be a dangerous problem because it can cause the roof to collapse.

Contact A Roofing Company In Columbia For Emergency Roof Repairs

If your Columbia home is exhibiting any of these signs, then it means your foundation has started to settle or sink, and it needs to be repaired as soon as possible. And, when that happens, you will most likely experience problems with your roof as well.

You can avail of the emergency roof repair by Ridgeline Roofers Columbia. They are Columbia’s most trusted and reliable roofing company. They have the experience and expertise to handle any roofing problem, no matter how big or small.

Hazel Hansil
Hazel Hansil

Wannabe pop culture maven. Hardcore coffee guru. Pop culture advocate. Friendly beer fanatic. Professional food fan. Freelance zombie aficionado.